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Firepit is a fully featured ORM, loosley based on Sails JS. Click through to see example of how to define models and allow Firepit to structure your database project.

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Before getting Started

If you are new to Firestore, please use of startup guide on how to create a project before using Firepit...

Initial Setup

It's easy to get started with Firepit

Creating a model

"One to many example"
firebase.firepit().createModel('role', {
  attributes: {
    name: {
      type: 'string',
      required: true,

firebase.firepit().createModel('user', {
  attributes: {
    name: {
      type: 'string',
      required: true,
    roles: {
      hasMany: roles,
      via: 'name',

Create Records

"Quick example"
const Role = firepit().model('role');
const newRole = await Role.create({ name: administrator });

const User = firepit().model('user');
await User.create({ 'Joe Bloggs', roles: [...newRole.id] });

Populating Data

"Quick example"
const users = await User.find({}).populate('roles');


  "id": "47gIS6WwWD3tqLJDyycN",
  "name": "Joe Bloggs",
  "roles": [
      "id": "aq7PUv2dtH0au0hDjdjG",
      "name": "administrator",
      "createdAt": {
        "_seconds": 1538387482,
        "_nanoseconds": 531000000
      "createdBy": "_SERVER_",
      "updatedAt": {
        "_seconds": 1538387482,
        "_nanoseconds": 531000000
      "updatedBy": "_SERVER_"
  "createdAt": {
    "_seconds": 1538387482,
    "_nanoseconds": 898000000
  "createdBy": "_SERVER_",
  "updatedAt": {
    "_seconds": 1538387482,
    "_nanoseconds": 898000000
  "updatedBy": "_SERVER_"