
  1. Documentation/
  2. v4.x.x/
  3. Installation


React Native Firebase requires an active Firebase project, installation of the JavaScript library and installation of the native Android and/or iOS libaries.

To make the process as simple as possible, we've broken the major steps down into simple to follow steps and guides.

JavaScript Installation


First off, install the react-native-firebase library via Node Package Manager:

npm install --save react-native-firebase

Firebase Setup

Our application needs an active Firebase project to communicate with. Go ahead and create a new Firebase project, or if you've already got an existing project skip this step, otherwise follow the steps below.

Creating a project

Visit the Firebase Console and create a new project using the "Add project" box as shown below:

Add project

Within the dialog, fill out your project details and click "Create Project":

Create Project

Once the project has been created, you'll be redirected to the project homepage as shown below:

Project homepage

Platform Installation

Android & iOS

Both platforms require additional installation steps.

Using the CLI

