Below we've collated a list of frequently asked questions and common issues. If you can't find what you're looking for, reach out on Discord.
Duplicate Dex Files error (build time error) A common build time error when using libraries that require Google Play Services is of the form: Failed on android with Multiple dex files... This error ( ) occurs because different versions of google play services or google play services modules are being required by different libraries. The process to fix this is fairly manual and depends on your specific combination of external libraries. Essentially what's required is to check the app level build.gradle…
Missing Byte Code (build time error) When running your app from within Android Studio, you may encounter Missing Byte Code errors. This is due to a known issue with version 3.1.x of the android tools plugin: . You'll need to disable Instant Run to get past this error.
React Native Firebase vs Firebase Web SDK The Firebase web SDK is a JavaScript package available on Node Package Manager (NPM), supporting both the web (browser) and server (Node.js) clients. Firebase offers a magnitude of services for your application, however, some of these some services are tailored towards native Android & iOS devices. React Native Firebase (RNFB) provides a JavaScript interface into the native Firebase Android and iOS SDKs. For added benefit, we've tried to ensure that our library mimics that of the web SDK where possible. There are both advantages and disadvantages…